Wherever I May Roam

Off the beaten path I reign

Rover, wanderer

Nomad, vagabond

Call me what you will

James Hetfield

Alice in Chains

Alice in Chains
Backstage with the band

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Riding Into the Furnace

Christine had a couple medical appointments today and by the time we got back home and I was ready for a workout it was after 3 pm.  I pulled up my BerryWeather app on the BlackBerry and noted that it was already 109 degrees here in Phoenix but it was sunny and 70 in Seattle and 83 in Atlanta.  I hoped my M310 amigos used it to their advantage for a good ride or run or both as I changed into some riding gear, took a couple hits from the albuterol pipe and hit the road.  The first rule of cycling is generally understood to be "there is always a head wind" and it was there and in force today.  Imagine 35 degrees then throw in a 10 mph breeze and you have a wind chill factor of 22 degrees.  Okay, now reverse that, 109 with a 10 mph wind seems to escalate the temperature similar to riding directly into a giant hair drier.  Well, remember the S.E.A.L. motto from yesterday "the more you bleed in training the less you bleed in battle"?  There is another motto of theirs that is probably more well known "the only easy day was yesterday".  What exactly does that mean?  A literal translation would be stop whining, there are no easy days!  And that's the way it is with training.  It takes lots and lots of training miles to be able to enjoy the epics trips.  Training miles should be enjoyable but not in a vacation sense of enjoyment.  Day in day out we hit the trail but the payoff is just around the next bend in the road.  M310!

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